Internal Communication ~ 7 min

Internal Communication Definition: Everything You Need to Know

What does internal communication really mean and how can you improve it? Thanks to this article, you will become real experts on the internal communication definition.
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Disseminating important information, motivating teams, reinforcing culture… Internal communications covers the gamut, and is crucial for every company. But what specifically does it mean, and how can you improve it? In this article, we highlight the topic of the internal communication definition to help you become an expert on the subject.

What is internal communication? Here’s the internal communication definition. 

Let’s start with the basics, to explain the internal communication definition. Internal communication in a company encompasses all actions, processes, and means used to disseminate information to employees. It ensures that every employee is well-informed, engaged, and aligned with the company’s goals and policies. It takes various forms, all equally essential in a solid internal communication approach. These can include:

  • Top-down communication: from management to employees;
  • Bottom-up communication: from employees to management;
  • Horizontal communication: between peers.

So these are the basics. But we’ll delve into these in more detail later.

The benefits of good internal communication

Yes, at its core, it’s about keeping employees up to speed regarding company updates. But the real objectives of internal communications go beyond simply transmitting instructions and sharing information. Implementing a communication strategy has numerous advantages, like:

  • Good internal communications engage employees more effectively

When employees understand the company’s goals and values, their involvement and motivation are greatly increased. Internal communications is a fundamental pillar for understanding their role and the importance of their contribution, which strengthens their commitment to the organization.

  • Good internal communications improve productivity

Clear internal communications aligns work processes to improve productivity and avoid misunderstandings. Regular updates guide everyone’s efforts towards strategic and operational priorities, maximizing overall efficiency.

  • Good internal communications foster cohesion and develop corporate culture

Effective internal communications helps create and spread a strong corporate culture by sharing common values essential for good collaboration. This fosters a sense of belonging and team spirit, ensuring a positive work environment.

  • Good internal communication prevents conflicts

Internal communication facilitates dialogue and encourages transparency, helping to prevent tensions within a company. If misunderstandings occur, clear and open communication allows them to be quickly resolved, avoiding escalation that could harm the workplace atmosphere, or even spread publicly via external communication.

So is internal communication important? Absolutely. And all of these are things that will benefit your company and help it run more smoothly and be more productive.

The benefits of internal communication infographic

Challenges and obstacles to internal communication efforts

So we’ve discussed the advantages, but it’s also important to be aware of the challenges that can crop up, to be prepared and to find solutions to overcome them. Obstacles to strong internal communication can include:

  • Fragmentation of information

The larger the company, the more likely information is to become fragmented. Employees may not receive messages or only receive them partially. Centralizing communications is necessary to ensure consistency and avoid contradictions.

  • Technological barriers

Implementing internal communication tools can be a major challenge, especially for frontline staff. It’s crucial to choose a solution that includes these employees, who may not have access to the same equipment as office workers.

  • Resistance to change

Adopting new tools or changing habits is not easy. To overcome this, involving employees from the start, demonstrating the benefits of new practices, and providing regular training can help achieve adoption goals. Your new internal communications strategy should take this into account!

Illustration d'une femme assise à son bureau, dépassée par la quantité des communications qu'elle reçoit.

Different types of internal communication

Whether you are part of the HR team, a member of the communication department, or a frontline worker, internal communication is everyone’s business. It affects every employee in every department at every level. As mentioned earlier, there are three major types of communication essential to any good strategy, and that figure into the internal communication definition:

Top-down communication

This refers to communication from senior management and managers to employees. It is often used to disseminate instructions or important announcements through communication channels, ensuring all employees are aware of the company’s strategic objectives through effective internal communication.

Bottom-up communication

Conversely, bottom-up communication allows information and employee feedback to flow from the ground up to management through communication channels. It is a key driver of maintaining motivation, as employees express their ideas, concerns, and suggestions, creating a dialogue that supports informed decision-making.

Horizontal communication

This two way communication approach promotes collaboration and information sharing within teams. Horizontal communication allows for the coordination of operational actions and knowledge sharing to make teamwork more effective within an organization.

What are the best tools for your internal communication strategy?

All the best ideas in the world and a perfect internal communications strategy won’t mean anything without the right tools. Effective internal communication is not a matter of chance. Its success lies in the ability of your communication tools to meet the needs of your company’s internal communication plan. Let’s take a look at the essential tools for any internal communication strategy:

Intranet and collaboration platforms

Intranets and collaboration platforms, allow organizations to centralize and disseminate information. Employees can access important communications and collaborate on projects, wherever they are.

Sociabble offers an intuitive and easy-to-use intranet that centralizes all essential information for employees. The platform integrates perfectly with the Microsoft ecosystem, including Teams, providing a truly harmonized employee experience.

Sociabble's integration with Microsoft 365

Newsletters and emails

Newsletters and emails are timeless tools because they are effective in keeping employees informed of the latest news in your organization. They allow for regular communication targeting part or all of the employees.

Sociabble offers a dynamic newsletter editor to engage employees with organizational communication, ensuring that each employee receives the information that truly concerns them.

Enterprise social networks

These platforms, as part of their built-in communication strategies, encourage engagement and motivate employees to actively participate in company life. In this space, employees can share ideas, successes, and experiences, strengthening cohesion and team spirit.

Sociabble allows employees to create and share content in a user-friendly interface inspired by social networks. With its integrated chat, the platform enables both employees and internal communications teams to stay connected, making real-time collaboration more smooth and leading to a more effective internal communication strategy.

business communication

Internal meetings and events

Whether physical or virtual, internal meetings and events play a key role in strengthening bonds among team members and encouraging collaboration through employee communications. They provide opportunities to present and discuss ongoing projects or quickly overcome obstacles.

Sociabble Enterprise Video includes advanced video features for organizing virtual meetings and broadcasting live events. This feature enhances employee engagement, even remotely.

Pair these tools with a strong internal communications strategy, and you will see results!

Key takeaways for boosting internal communications success & honing internal communication strategies

So there you have it. The basics for internal communications, as well as the internal communication definition. Because as we have seen in this article, internal communications is essential for companies that want to:

  • Transmit and centralize essential information
  • Strengthen employee engagement and motivation
  • Improve productivity
  • Create a consistent and strong company culture & employee experience
  • Achieve their business goals

To achieve this, they can rely on multiple tools:

  • Intranets
  • Enterprise social networks
  • Collaboration platforms
  • Meetings and events (physical or virtual)

When various challenges are overcome, internal communications enables a company to meet its development goals, which at the end of the day, is what everyone wants. And to help them achieve this, Sociabble stands out as the ideal solution. The platform combines intranet, enterprise social network, newsletter editor, integrated chat, and video tools. Implementing Sociabble transforms your internal communication into a real performance driver.

In fact, industry leaders such as Primark, the Pierre Fabre Group, and Coca-Cola CCEP have already adopted Sociabble to improve their internal communications. Ready to revolutionize your company’s internal communications? Book your free and personalized demo now and discover how Sociabble can help you. See you soon!

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