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At Sociabble, we specialize in generating employee engagement. But we also believe that corporations have a critical role in helping the environment and securing the future of our planet. We’d like to recognize companies that have partnered with us on Sociabble Trees to grow their engagement levels, while also helping to reforest vulnerable ecosystems around the world. In this article, you’ll learn critical best practices for duplicating their success. Boosting employee engagement is a goal many companies share. However, with Sociabble Trees, a CSR feature built into the Sociabble platform, companies can actually reward employees for their engagement through the planting of real trees to help revitalize damaged ecosystems. To accomplish this, we’ve teamed up with Tree-Nation, which allows participating clients to monitor their own “corporate forest” and see in real-time the positive impact that their own employees are making. Sociabble Trees: Rewarding Employees while Offsetting Carbon Trees are essential to the health of our planet, and they’re a major factor in fighting climate change. One study found that increasing the earth’s forests by an area the size of the United States would cut atmospheric carbon dioxide by 25%. This is an important consideration, given that 40 billion tons of CO2 are released each day because of fossil fuels, exacerbating the problem. How do forests help? Well, the carbon dioxide absorption properties of forests mean that they can offset carbon emissions and reverse the effects of climate change. In fact, you need 360 trees to offset the carbon emissions of just one person. This was what inspired us at Sociabble to enhance our communication platform with a CSR feature that rewarded employees for their engagement with real trees planted in their name, in forests in more than 60 countries all over the world. Together with Tree-Nation, we created a program that our clients can adopt, to boost engagement and help the environment, both at the same time. Companies that have truly embraced the initiative include industry leaders like Edenred, Deloitte, Capgemini, Renault Group, and L’Occitane en Provence, to name a few. Some of the very first champions of the Sociabble Trees program were Sidetrade, Tata Realty, and Ardian. They set an example of corporate social responsibility from the get-go that many other corporations have followed, resulting in the planting of thousands of trees. This is how each of these businesses got on board. Tata Realty Increases Engagement while Offsetting Emissions Tata Realty was an early adopter of the Sociabble Trees program, which they began using during a significant merger, when strong employee communication was critical. They saw the chance to positively impact employee engagement surrounding the merger, and reduce their carbon footprint, both at the same time. Also read:Navigating HR Challenges in Mergers and Acquisitions According to Reena Wahi, Senior Vice President of HR, CSR, and Business Excellence at Tata Realty: “Sociabble Trees has helped us achieve two objectives—employee engagement and sustainability, both of which are extremely important to the TATA group.” In total, during their Tata Realty Sustainability Month, the company planted over 600 trees, in just four weeks. They got employees involved in company news, and helped the environment, all with a single CSR-based engagement initiative. Sidetrade Employees Rise to the Occasion and Help the Planet As a global tech leader, Sidetrade’s specialty is using AI to boost revenue for clients around the world. But they recognized the importance of improving their carbon offset as well, and when they learned about the engagement features of Sociabble Trees, they wanted to participate and make a real difference. Relying on the company’s spirit of friendly competition, they got employees to embrace the initiative and plant trees as part of a larger company challenge, alongside Sociabble and Tree-Nation. According to Christelle Dhrif, the company’s Chief Communication Officer and Brand Ambassador: “Sidetrade staff are always up for a challenge. And when the challenge is reforestation, it is especially meaningful. Sidetraders are proud to support Tree-Nation.” Ardian Uses Sociabble Trees to Triple Employee Engagement Ardian has long been a leader in international investment. But when it came to Sociabble Trees, they decided to become a leader in CSR-based engagement initiatives as well, not to mention one of the first companies in their sector to have adopted environmental criteria in managing operations. By rewarding their most engaged employees with trees rather than with gift certificates or gadgets, Ardian has gained 30% more users on their employee communication platform. At the same time, user engagement has tripled, as has their reach on social media. The larger result? A total win-win, for employee engagement and the environment both, with a more involved workforce and hundreds of trees planted in their name. Sociabble Trees is Just One Part of the Sociabble Communication Platform Sociabble Trees is just one engagement feature of the larger Sociabble platform, a single, integrated solution that covers a company’s Employee Communication, Employee Advocacy, and Social Selling needs. At Sociabble, we’re proud of Sociabble Trees, for the positive impact it has on both employee engagement for our clients and the environment, and we’re always excited to see new companies embrace this innovative program. a free demo. Schedule your demo Want to see Sociabble in action? Our experts will answer your questions and guide you through a platform demo. Published on 27 April 2023 Last update on 27 November 2024