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Struggling to create engaging employee newsletters?

Our experts will answer your questions and guide you through a platform demo.

Design & automate employee newsletters.

Our platform meets all the requirements related to the creation of internal newsletters.

Leading companies around the globe use Sociabble:

I love the newsletter feature the most. I get to release a weekly newsletter to colleagues who can see our content that we post. Its great and helps increase engagement.

F. Pallikaros Tata Consultancy Services

Deliver emails to the right audiences.

Enhance the relevance of your newsletters by leveraging all the capabilities that Sociabble offers you.

Targeted Employee Newsletters

Build recurring or one-shot newsletters targeting specific groups in your company, based around department, position, interests, or even engagement levels.

Translation Capabilities

Translation is automatic, based on location, with a base of 60 different languages that can be accommodated. There is also the capacity to edit translations to make it more official.

Instant Mobile Notifications

All newsletters are mirrored in mobile app notifications, so that the employee journey remains smooth, and they know right away when the latest newsletter is available.

Measure and elevate your newsletters impact.

Newsletter analytics provide companies with valuable insights on content preferences and optimal timing, enhancing communication effectiveness and employee engagement.
Content Preferences
Identify high-performing content by analyzing engagement metrics and audience demographics, enabling targeted content creation and strategy optimization.
Optimal Timing
Analyzes user activity and interaction patterns to determine the best timing for content posting, maximizing engagement rates and optimizing distribution strategy.
Engagement Segmentation
Create segmented groups based on user data, delivering targeted content at the right time for improved engagement and personalization.
Schedule your demo

Struggling to create engaging employee newsletters?

Our experts will answer your questions and guide you through a platform demo.