Employee Communication ~ 2 min

How to structure the digital workplace

Learn all the techniques, tips, and tools you need to create an effective Digital Workplace for your business.
Table of Contents
  1. Why is the concept of "the digital workplace" so complicated?
  2. Objectives and KPIS matter
  3. The one mistake many companies make
  4. What makes for an effective digital workplace?
  5. Best practices that can help your digital workplace succeed
  6. Our client record speaks for itself

The idea of “the digital workplace” can be difficult to understand, and even more challenging to put into action.In this white paper, we’ll help you make sense of intranets, enterprise social networks, collaboration tools, communication platforms, and more.

So why the concept of the digital workplace so complicated?

Lots of companies want to achieve it, but far fewer actually understand what the term means, or how best to set one up. Yes, it seems to connote a virtual office, a digital space where employees can interact and get their work done, but what does that specifically entail? Here are a few reasons getting such a program off the ground can be complicated.

Unclear concept

Without a clear concept in mind of what the digital office will entail, it’s impossible to actually put the plan into action and develop it into something functional. Here are a few reasons getting such a program off the ground can be complicated.

Multiple solutions with considerable overlap

There are a ton of platforms and applications out there that claim they can help, with shared functionalities and redundant capabilities. Which one is best?

Too many voices in the decision-making process

When planning the Digital Workplace, everyone from CEO’s to Sales Specialists to the Legal Department will have different ideas of what the space needs to accomplish, and how best to implement it. IT Managers, CFOs, and even ChiefDigital Officers can all play a role, meaning that there can often be too many cooks in the kitchen, so to speak.

Belief that everything can be accomplished with one tool

Decision-makers and stakeholders too often are convinced that one simple solution can solve all their problems. They think there’s a lone panacea that can take care of everything. One common mistake, as we shall soon see, is the belief that an intranet can resolve everything, when this is seldom the case.


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